Sponsorship Package Opportunity

Dear Potential Sponsor:

“Let’s Talk About It!” radio talk show hosted by dynamic personality and professional facilitator Karen A. Sims airs Wednesdays at 4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

We are dedicated to utilizing this platform to inspire, impact and transform lives by bringing strong program content. Building strong sponsorship relationships is equally important to the success of us using this medium to spread our messages. We aim to advertise the best services to our listening audience and to share how your services are a benefit to our listeners. Whether your service is legal assistance, home or car repairs, landscaping, financial advising, business services or other select quality products or services that can help our listening audience, we will partner and highlight you throughout the show.

Advertising on the Let’s Talk About It! radio show is one of the most affordable and cost-effective ways to do so while reaching the masses. Let’s Talk About It! can help to expose you to broad audiences you may currently not be reaching. As the markets continue to grow and our presence continues to expand, Let’s Talk About It! show’s listenership growth will help propel your business’s exposure.

The average person spends 1,000 hours per year listening to the radio, second only to television at 1,500 hours. Let’s Talk About It! reaches your potential customers.  Women and male listeners who are highly educated, affluent and in search of quality products and services. All we need now is you to join us in bridging this gap by selecting one of our sponsorship packages.

We look forward to hearing from you regarding your potential partnership with our brand!  Please contact us for more information on sponsoring Let’s Talk About It! radio talk show at Twisted Threads, LLC by email at twistedthreads.kasims@gmail.com or by calling (919) 473-6215.

We truly appreciate your consideration.

With many thanks,

Karen A. Sims, M. Ed.